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Standard Surgical Gown
Reinforced Surgical Gown
Tur Gown
Or Gown Pack
Back Table Cover
Basic Surgery Drape
Foot Drape
Side Drape
Anesthesia Drape
Angiography Drape
Angiography Drape With Panel
Femoral Radial Angiography Drape with Transparent Panels
Arthroscopy Drape With Pouch
Hip Drape with Elastic Fenestration
Vertical Izolation Drape Transparent +PE
Ophtalmic Drape With Double Pouch
Ophthalmic Drape With Single Pouch
Basic Surgery Drapes
Hand Surgery Drape With Wlastic Fenestration
Sub-Extremity Drape
Arthroscopy Drape
Upper - Extremity Drape
Gynaecology Drape
Gynaecology Drape With Pouch
O.P.U Drape Fenestrated
Under But - Tocks Drape with Pouch
Ent Drape
Head Drape (Turban)
Fenestrated Drape
Drape with Abhesive Fenestration
Cardiovascular Drape
Cardiovascular Drape With "U" Split
Laparoscopic Abdeminal Perineal Drape
Laparoscopic Pelviscopy Drape
Laparotomy Drape With Incise Film
Laparotomy Drape With Incise Film Pouch
Tur Drape with Pouch
Percutaneous Drape
Urology Drape
Cystoscopy Drape
Mayo Stand Cover
Cesarean Drape
Litotomic Gynaecology Drape with Pouch
Lithotomy Cynaecology Drape
Thorax Drape With Incıse Film
Thyroid Drape
By - Pass Drape
U-Split Perineum Drape
U - Split Hip Drape
U-Split Drape +PE
U - Split Shoulder Arthroscopy Drape With Pouch
Craniotomy Pack
Carpal Tunnel Pack
Head Pack
Laminectomy Pack
Craniotomy Pack
Shunt Pack
Operation Pack
General Surgery Pack
Laparoscopic Pelviscopy Pack
Laparotomy Pack
Laparotomy Pack with Pouch
Laparoscopy Abdominal Perineal Pack
Emergency Delivery Pack
E.T Pack
Gynaecology O.P.U Pack
Gynaecology Pack
Delivery Pack
Cesarean Section Pack
Lithotomy Cynaecology Pack
Delivery Pack (with pouch)
E.N.T. Pack (Throat)
E.N.T. Pack (Nose)
Tonsil Adenoid Pack
Thyroid Pack
By-Pass Pack
Heart Valve Surgery Pack
Congenital Cardiovascular Pack
By-Pass Pack - 2
Congenital Cardiovascular Pack - 2
Angiographic Pack -1
Angiographic Pack - 2
Angiographic Pack - 3
Angiographic Pack - 4
Angiographic Pack - 5
Biopsy Pack
Ophtalmic Pack With Double Pouch
Ophtalmic Pack with Single Pouch
Vesical Catheterization Pack
Gynaecology Pack
Delivery Pack
Cesarean Section Pack
Arthroscopy Pack Without Pouch
Hip Pack
Hip Surgery Pack (with elastic fenestration)
Arthroscopy Pack With Pouch
Shoulder Arthroscopy Pack With Pouch
Shoulder Arthroscopy Pack with Pouch - 2
Hip Pack - 2
Vertical Isolatıon Drape Pack
Upper Extremity Pack
Upper Extremity Pack - 2
Cystoscopy Pack
Tur Pack
Tur Pack - 2
Urology Pack
Dressing Pack
Suture Pack
Dental Mini Pack
Implant Pack
Chemotherapy Pack
Liposection Pack
Plastic Surgery Pack
Hair Implant Pack
Circumcision Pack
Laminectomy Pack
Veterinary Pack
Disposable Hand Swich ESU Pencil
Suction Tube
Surgical Blade
Cautery Forceps
Umbilical Clamb
Inflation Device
Infusion Set
Blood Transfusion Set
Angiographic Syringe 10 cc
Angiographic Syringe 12 cc
Arterial Needle
Angiography Syringe
PTCA Y-Connector
Yankauer Suction Set
T.U.R Artroscopy Pack
High Pressure Extension Line
Introducer Sheath Set
Guide Wire
Pressure Monitoring Set
Platelet Rich Plasma
Gauze Swab
Betadine Sponge
Solution Tray
Medical Waste Bag
Skin Marker and Ruler
Baby Drape
Transparent Cover
Disposable Slipper
Finger Cots
Laser Eye Mask
Gudewire Cover
Kidney Tray
Bulp Syringe
Foot Drape
Camera Cover
Floroscopy Cover
Patient Pad
Microscope Cover
Organ Pocket
Scopy Cover
Bad Cover
Pillov Cover
Betadine Sponge
Chemotherapy Glasses
Protective Mask
Flat Pouches & Rolls
Antimicrobial Incise Drape
Header Bag
Tyvek Pouches & Rolls
Gusseted Pouches & Roles
Wound Pad
Injection Band
Gauze Swab
Elastic Bandage
Hydrophilic Winding Swab