Warning: Use of undefined constant KRow - assumed 'KRow' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/yaptiriy/adeahealth.com.tr/main/addons/bootstrap-grid/bootstrap-grid.php on line 84

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; KCSV_Reader has a deprecated constructor in /home/yaptiriy/adeahealth.com.tr/main/addons/csv/csv.php on line 5

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/yaptiriy/adeahealth.com.tr/main/addons/multi-lang/multi-lang.php on line 268

Kemoterapi Seti


Ürün Kodu Steril Ürün Kodu Non-Sterile Ölçü Koli İçi Adeti
Havlu AD-2103-01 40x40 2
Korumalı Kemoterapi Önlük AD-0005-03 L 1
Kemoterapi Eldiveni AD-2003-01 M 2
Kemoterapi Gözlüğü AD-2130-01 ST 1
Maske AD-2000-01 ST 1
Atık Poşeti AD-2153-01 40x80 1
Bone AD-2001-01 50x50 1
Düz Örtü AD-0312-03 40x80 1
Sterilizasyon Bohçası AD-0352-03 75x85 1